Our Founder's Journey to Revolutionizing Ocean Freight Quoting

From an early age, our founder was deeply immersed in the logistics industry through multiple internships at his family’s freight forwarding business. It was there he identified a critical gap: ocean freight quoting was notably behind in digital adoption, often handled through tedious, manual processes.

Armed with a degree in Computer Science and a visionary mindset, he developed an innovative platform initially designed to automate ocean freight quoting for his family’s company. However, his research uncovered a staggering reality: over 95% of freight forwarders globally were still entrenched in manual quote generation.

Seeing the potential to transform the industry, he expanded the platform’s capabilities to integrate global supply chain data from over 70 countries. This strategic enhancement allows freight forwarders worldwide to generate instant quotes, eliminating the cumbersome need to manually source pricing data and input details into systems by hand.